

product supplied by care/of  * thoughts and opinions expressed are my own

since before I was pregnant it has been advised that I be on a prenatal vitamin but I also felt I should be on other vitamins as well, and let’s be straight up for a minute. vitamin shopping is SO stressful. like who else goes down the isle at the store and feels overwhelmed by all the brands, all the doses and all the different B vitamins ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. that’s where care/of comes in, they curate for you personally online a selection of vitamins based on your very own needs! 

everything in the care/of package comes personalized and prepackaged! I love that they’re easy to take on vacation AND my daughter’s little fingers can’t get into the pack. I take fish oil, calcium and the prenatal vitamin. there is a nutrition card as well as a reminder card that shares what the vitamin is that you’re taking and how many you should be taking (even though it’s already pre divided in your pack) I love that it’s all organized. no rummaging through the cupboard looking for all the right vitamins, wondering which ones you’ve already taken that day. 

take with water and a delicious breakfast to start your day off feeling amazing, inside and out ๐Ÿ™‚ 

my kit came with a 30 day supply, and I’ve been using them for a few weeks now, I know I can tell a difference in how I feel taking better care of my health. care/of made it easy for me to remember to take my vitamins and made it especially accessible and not overwhelming. 

thank you care/of for sponsoring this post

to learn more about care/of and how to get your own personalized vitamins 

check out their website here  

thank you for reading!

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