

hey hey hey … what’do ya know?! I’m in a 90’s inspired look again. and I’m not even mad about it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

I wasn’t joking. I LOVE it. I love that I can basically wear what I wore when I was 7. except now I wear lipstick. but black leggings, tunic tees and denim jackets (also here) sound about right. 

if you’ve seen my instagram then you probably know that I’ve become a Lipsense distributor (you can find my pages here and here @stripesandlipstick) ๐Ÿ™‚ I LOVE Lipsense – it’s basically a long wearing moisturizing liquid lipstick. the color I’m wearing in the pictures is “bella” which is a limited edition – that sold out! but they’re bringing it back! so we’ll see if I can get my hands on more of this goodness! it’s a beautiful 90’s lip ๐Ÿ˜‰ and I’m praying they release it in the permanent line. 

you should all know by now that I’m a sucker for the little details, and the cut outs on these booties are just perfection! too bad I can’t wear them once it’s snowing outside! ๐Ÿ˜‰ gotta get my use now! so you’ll be seeing them a bunch. fair warning. and they come in tan and black. so there’s that. 

I’m becoming a one trick pony with my denim jacket and my olive striped tee but if I could tell you 1 thing – it’d be to get either this jacket or this tee (or if you can get both!) I swear they are so comfortable, yet I feel like they can go with anything and everything in my wardrobe. my one regret is not getting more colors of this tee! it’s already selling out fast! 

these leggings are a dream. they have no buttons / zippers / etc. they’re just comfy. I love that they look so tough and fun but really I feel like I’m in sweats. maybe that’s not a good thing ๐Ÿ˜‰ because now I want them in EVERY color. I bought the burgundy ones too – couldn’t help myself! haha. 

Garage denim jacket // Nordstrom tee, long sleeve version here // Bohme leggings // Vince Camuto booties // Fossil watch // Lipsense lipstick // KZ sunglasses c/o 

I hope you’re not sick of my casual 90’s type of outfits yet ๐Ÿ˜‰ I feel like when a trend comes and it sticks, it’s because people love it. I sure love it. and as much as I LOVE getting dressed up and being all feminine, in dresses, pink and florals – it’s just as fun to wear an outfit like this. I secretly think my husband likes these types of looks better than the girly ones ๐Ÿ˜‰ but that’s just between us. 

have a fun day! thanks for reading!

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