pom pom sweater

my pom pom sweater from Rachel Parcell is the cutest thing I’ve been wearing lately. I love that I keep cozy, snug and stylish. it comes in a few colors and recently went on sale – so if you like it – snag one while you can!
color combinations that are unexpected make me happy. I feel for so long I’ve been drawn towards neutrals and only accenting with minimal colors. I’m excited that as I’ve looked into my closet and have been challenging myself to use what I’ve got to create new looks that I’ve paired things together in fun ways that are incorporating more color!

I need to wear green and blue more often, every time I do I feel so pretty. lol sounds silly but I got out of the habit of reaching for those colors and so I’m always surprised when I DO wear those colors, just how much I like it.

I took these pictures last month and don’t know why I haven’t shared them until now. the nights are already staying brighter longer, it’s sunnier than it has been and even though it’s cold (talk about 40 degrees or below!) I’m embracing the fact that spring is around the corner!

hair clips have been another go-to and with my shorter hair, I feel like it’s a way that I can add some extra sass and style (since it’s not quite long enough for any updo/pony styles yet) – this set has 20 for less than $20!

let’s chat about my shoes (glitter isn’t available anymore, but I love the new selection of colors!) they’re legit the comfiest flats and I want all the colors. they’re work appropriate but also great for women on the go! I think they’re adorable but also practical as a mom!
so what do you think? would you style this pom pom sweater with glitter and pink? or maybe neutrals? let me know in the comments!
thanks for stopping over! have an amazing day friends!