let’s talk about clothes shall we?? I need a breather from some of the heavy stuff and this outfit with these red leaves is putting me in a brighter mood. my favorite fall trend – 10 pieces you need now.
I just love fall and I’m sad to say I think it’s over here in Utah – we’re got a little snow over the weekend and it might be here to stay. SAD FACE. I’m not a snow person (unless it’s Christmas)
on the subject of Christmas – have you started decorating yet???

I wore this look a few weeks ago and have been trying to step out of my comfort zone. sneakers AND a tighter fit dress – who am I?! lol
I always see other girls trying combinations that are unexpected so I decided I want to start that too. try it for yourself – you might be surprised just how much you like what you’re wearing and how confident you start to feel.
check out how I wore sneakers with a dress in this post
linking similar pieces to get my look …

I feel nostalgic thinking of my mom and how she would wear ALL the ribbed sweaters and dresses in the fall/winter months when I was little. this fabric completely reminds me of the time in my life back in jr high and I swear everything was ribbed.
I thought it’d be fun to showcase a few things I’ve got my eye on – scroll below to find my favorite fall trend – 10 ribbed pieces you need now

my specific dress is from DownEast and even though I’m only about 5’2 I love it. I wasn’t sure where it was going to hit on me but I kind of love how it’s so long – it’d be gorgeous on anyone regardless of height.
you could style this dress with flats, heels, even booties and tall sleek boots. I love how effortless a dress like this is. it’s statement and the rest of the outfit could be so simple and you look put together and polished.

thanks for reading! I hope you have a good Monday – yesterday we went to church and partook of the Sacrament. it had been about a month since we last had the Sacrament and I could feel a huge difference. I felt more calm, more peace, more happiness in my life. I’m SO grateful for a loving God.
what do you do on Sundays to refresh and prep for the week ahead??
xo, Jensyn
my favorite fall trend – 10 ribbed pieces you need now