Laci’s birth story

if you’d like to read about Navi and Indie‘s birth stories I’ll be linking them as well. it’s so interesting how different and unique each birth is. just like each pregnancy, there is no comparison. there are so many different things that take place, that can happen .. the human body is so amazing and miraculous yet so unpredictable.
I’m really excited to share with you Laci’s birth story because it was NOT what I had thought up in my head or ever imagined.
leading up to her due date May 4th, I just kept wondering when she would come and how. both my previous pregnancies were so different but I had delivered each girl early, so in my mind I assumed I would also have my third baby earlier than 40 weeks.
I’ve carried all three girls really low in my stomach so I didn’t feel like I noticed her drop too much, but the comments I would get from people about my belly ‘blooming’ and how I ‘definitely looked pregnant’ made it clear that ‘something’ had changed in my body now that I was approaching 37 weeks.
I had been feeling extra eager and nervous because I just didn’t know HOW in the world I could ever be a mom of three?! 3 kids sounded SO daunting and scary. I was stressing about money, what her name was going to be, how we were going to fit carseats in our car and the unknown of ‘when’ she’d arrive.
with my first baby, my water broke at home and she was born about 6 hours later. with my second, I had felt contractions, went to the hospital, was near a 4 but wasn’t progressing so they gave me medicine to help the labor along and eventually my dr broke my water for me and she was born shortly after. both previous experiences were so different and the timing was fast but also a bit prolonged. (I know sometimes women are in labor for HOURS and I don’t know how they do it. I’ve got an epidural each time and it’s been the greatest – I do not do well with pain!) so I was feeling nervous if my water were to break again at home, what would I do?
I felt like the weekend of Easter I was feeling some sort of contractions, they weren’t terrible but I could feel some discomfort and sensations that mimicked bad cramps and sharp pains in my back and pelvic area. they weren’t very often so I assumed maybe my body was just ‘practicing’ and these feelings would continue for the next few weeks until I was due. I kept thinking that just because I was eager for baby 3 to arrive that she would keep snug inside and not come until I was 40 weeks.
I had been to my dr the tuesday before Easter and without vaginally checking, he just looked over the ultra sound and thought I might be dilated close to a 2. this got me feeling like she could come at any time – but fast forward to the following tuesday, the 23rd .. at my checkup he said he didn’t think I was dilated. I left the appointment a bit sad because I was hoping I’d progressed and that I could get an idea of when this baby was coming.
but I went about my day, shopped with my mom and the girls, got Habit Burger for lunch, my husband worked out in the yard and towards the evening I went and hung out with my sister. it was about 6:30 pm ish and she and I went on a walk around the neighborhood to take some pictures for our blogs. I ended up switching outfits and wore some really tall wedges and joked with my sister that they would put me into labor. as I was getting ready to leave my parent’s house, I talked with my mom and told her I was having some uncomfortable pains and that I would start tracking them when I got home.
with my husband at home, we had pizza, watched the office and hung out on the couch, I started feeling stronger pains every 5-10 minutes beginning around 9 and they were very consistent until about 10:50. I just didn’t think too much of it because I couldn’t believe my body could be in ‘real labor’. it got to the point that I could hardly stand though, and the pain was very sharp and I felt like I could feel a release when the pain would ease up, just to come back a few minutes later.
I had these feelings that I needed to ‘go to the bathroom’ and that scared me because with my first I felt the need to ‘relieve’ myself and I thought I just had a sick stomach, but shortly after I ‘went’ my water broke. I didn’t know if my body was preparing to repeat what had happened with my first baby.
I had been texting my mom and around 11 pm I said I would just try to get some sleep and let her know how I felt in the morning, but right after I sent that text I had a really ouchy, pinching feeling in the lady area and literally stood next to my bed calling to my husband (who was already in bed almost asleep) that we actually needed to go to the hospital now!
luckily my parents live only a minute away so my mom and dad came over, I grabbed the hospital bags we packed and my husband and I loaded up in the car. the twenty minute drive to the hospital was horrendous. I had to keep clutching the handle above the window and clenched my teeth between each contraction. I had between 4-5 strong contractions on the way there, so do the math .. they were only minutes apart.
we called the hospital on our way and told them to have a wheelchair ready and that I was ready for a room upon my arrival too. they tried getting me checked in at the desk but I told them I needed a room asap. they listened to me and I got into my gown as fast as I could, laid on the bed and had so many nurses around me. Nash was there and I’m so happy he was. these contractions were terrible and I kept repeating that I just couldn’t do it. but the nurses and he gave me encouragement.
the head nurse came in and checked me .. I was an 8. I couldn’t believe it! an 8?! my body did all that work already before I got there?! no wonder I felt like I was dying. like I said, I’m NOT good with pain and easily pass out and throw up. I had my barf bag in hand (just in case) and the nurse remembered me from my scare I had back in early spring around 28 weeks. it was comforting that she and I had met before.

they got my dr called and he was on his way. I asked for an epidural and they got the guy to come in with that too. my contractions were so tight together and so painful .. they had me get on my side so he could give me the shot in my back.
as he was rubbing my back with the stuff they use to sterilize I realized that the contractions were too much for me, I couldn’t hold still long enough through the pain for the needle to go into my back. I was afraid I would hurt myself if I jolted my body in reaction to the pain. the nurses were calling to me to breathe and not push .. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I pushed and I felt this huge pop.
my water had broke. the epidural guy left without giving me any medicine and the nurse near my ankles, pulled my legs so I was now on my back instead of my side. they told me to push and while my body was burning, my head and vision felt so blurry. it was so bright and I saw just so much light above my head. it was kind of surreal. it all happened so fast that I didn’t think about the pain once I started pushing for my baby.
Nash said that it took only like 3 pushes and she was out, her little hand was coming out next to her face and I really only felt pushing her shoulders through. I never thought I’d give birth unmedicated. I always was too scared. I had heard so many stories about the pain. and with my record of fainting and throwing up when I had period cramps – I just knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it. but apparently I can! I honestly felt so powerful and strong. it was a beautiful (yet painful) experience.
my baby’s cord was so short and thick they had to cut it and I still couldn’t see her yet. I was so eager to look at her and hold her. her sweet cry was beautiful and I was shocked that I wasn’t crying myself. (side note – I’m a VERY emotional person and literally cry over everything but I have never cried during a birth .. I’m not sure why).
walks in my dr! yay just in time to deliver the placenta! haha!
it was 11:58 pm and my baby was just born. I had arrived at the hospital close to 11:30 and am so grateful we made it when we did. I was so terrified of giving birth in the car! my dr was teasing me for not coming in to the hospital sooner, he asked what I was doing .. and I was like ‘living my life’ lol eating pizza, going for walks, taking pictures, relaxing. I had a totally different idea of how tuesday evening was going to end. especially since I wasn’t expecting it. I had no idea if I was really dilated or not.

finally doing skin to skin with Laci was so special, holding her, seeing that she was HERE and perfect in every way possible. I would relive her birth over and over for what we got in return. she’s the sweetest and most pleasant little thing. she was my biggest baby at 6 lbs 13.7 oz and 19 inches long. and while her birth was the fastest, whirlwind experience, I’m SO grateful she’s here and we’ve been enjoying her a little bit earlier than expected. we also don’t have many pictures because it all happened so fast. I’m bummed because I was going to have a videographer and that just didn’t work out.
funny story ..
so there was a new first time mom in the room next to mine, and her nurse had to come over to my room when I arrived to help (I literally had like 8 people in there for Laci’s birth) and I guess the gal in the room over had told her nurse that it wasn’t fair that I come in, say ‘ow a few times’ and then she hears a baby crying! ahh! poor gal had been there all day in labor! and I feel for her! I also had been laboring on my own and in my car and being my third birth – my body was READY to get her out! I just thought it was funny to hear from one of the nurses what my experience sounded like from the outside. because it certainly wasn’t that simple in my mind.
I do have to say since having done an epidural twice and unmedicated for this third time, my body has been quicker at healing and I was able to have better function in my legs this time too. Laci has been my best breastfeeder too (not quite sure why, probably a combo of things) but overall if I could have a quick labor like I did with Laci I would totally do unmedicated again just because I didn’t tear, and I have had a faster recovery.
remembering my birth experiences is something that is so important and special to me because they’re all so unique and I feel so blessed that I could carry them and with my husband and God provide them with bodies and give them a life here on earth that is a special one. they are important and these first moments of living in this life are so so cool and I’m grateful I’ve been able to have the babies that I do.
thank you for following along with my family and for your support!
xo, Jensyn
Beautiful birth, It reminds me when I gave birth to my two kids. It’s tough but rewarding in the end.