.it’s a … .
well it’s true! this october we’re due with another sweet and sassy lady! 🙂 I’m so happy to FINALLY share this news with you all. part of me really loves keeping secrets 😉 I think of it like a little game – and I just kept saying that I should just not ‘officially’ announce anything and that one day this fall we’d just all of a sudden have a new baby in our family 😉 but it’s getting a tad hard to hide. I am not the type to ‘flaunt’ things, and it’s not that I don’t love being pregnant because I totally do! it’s just not in my personality to go overboard with sharing the word 😉 so here I am, at 20 weeks spilling the beans that we -are- in fact PREGNANT! and are so so happy! we’ve known since the last day of february that we were pregnant and I feel just so blessed! it took us 1 1/2 years about to get pregnant with Navi and honestly only about a month with this one 😉 it’s been so fun to see her at the ultrasounds, and this past week was when we found out for sure that our babe, is indeed a girl!
Navi is going to be the best big sister! she loves baby dolls and is obsessed with kids her age and younger, anytime we see a child out somewhere she has to wave and say hi. she’s just so friendly and wants to hug them all! she’s the biggest helper and just wants to please! she’s the snuggliest, funniest, and wants to do everything that everyone else is doing. she’s growing up too fast – and I’m just trying to soak in all of her adorableness! 😉 she’s so very loved and we’re excited to add another ‘diva’ to the mix. I grew up having a brother right under me, my sister being 5 years younger .. we did grow up and play together but once I started those teen years I was jealous I didn’t have a closer relationship with my sister. (now that we’re adults we’re very close!) I’m hopeful that Navi and this little one will grow up being the very best of friends. I’m so grateful to our Heavenly Father for trusting us with another beautiful baby. the timing is perfect for us, and I can’t even wait to meet her!
I feel in denial that it’s a girl again (just because that’s what we secretly, not so secretly wanted 😉 I can’t even describe the excitement I have over this new baby. seeing her face, her lips so perfectly, her tiny hands and toes in the ultrasound this week made it all so real. I’ll be honest I wasn’t having a big connection with this baby as much as Navi – fear of ‘how could I love another as much as I love my first baby?’ crept in .. I know that’s so foolish to think (however not uncommon), I think everyone goes through those thoughts of the unknown but after seeing our littlest, growing girl this week, I know without a doubt I’ll love her the same as our Navi girl.
this pregnancy so far …
the first trimester was hard, I was definitely a lot more sick, and was SO exhausted, seriously all I wanted to do was sleep and eat 😉 eating is the only thing that helped my nausea. I’ve craved hamburgers, and a lot of eggs! I’m used to wearing flowy, loose tops so I’ve tried hiding it as long as possible 😉 but I definitely have a little bump there! I’m carrying low (but I did with Navi too) so I think nothing of it. I’ve gained about 15 pounds so far – eeh! I certainly don’t work out or watch what I eat 😉 and hey, if my body needs food I’m not going to stop it. I can squeeze into literally 1 pair of my regular jeans and then usually at home I’m in sweat pants 😉 my skin was breaking out pretty bad but my hair and nails seem to be growing like weeds, which I’m grateful! I’ve been using my ‘bio oil’ and trying hard to stay hydrated which I believe has helped protect against stretch marks. I can tell you right now I’ll be living in the pool this summer! I feel very fortunate to have such a supportive and loving husband that deals with my crazy emotions! he really is -thee- perfect man to be dealing with all of the estrogen we’ll have in our home 😉 haha! as for names, we are stumped! absolutely clueless. well we have a few ideas but nothing sounds quite right yet. I’m going to try not stressing over the name until I see her, and I -hope- by then we’ll know what suits her best 🙂 who else loves to pick the name far in advance??? with Navi – I just knew, my first girl would be named that, and now I’ve used my favorite name 😉 so I’m open to suggestions.
photography : c/o Nash’s mom Vicki 🙂 (visit her blog here)
… see Navi’s gender reveal here
so now what?? posts have been a little sparce the past few months and I certainly haven’t been super involved in my lipsense business either. I took a bit of a backseat as I was getting over the sickness and adjusting to the busy life of an almost 2 year year old 😉 hello! wake up call for when there are two kiddos in this house! as for my blog .. you can expect outfit posts as usual (maternity style 😉 and a lot more kids home and fashion here too 🙂 I’m curious, what would you like to see more of here on my site??
have a fabulous day my friends!