day to night makeup tutorial

I’m SO pumped about today’s tutorial! this has been a requested makeup look and I can’t wait for you to watch it! see my youtube video here.Β
I’m sharing how I take my simple day look and transform it into a look perfect for a night out – with just a few steps!
I am NOT a makeup expert, and I like EASY and QUICK so the looks I’ve done are honestly what I do on a day to day (or you could say day to night lol) basis! I love how makeup can enhance features and my favorite feature is my eyes. I’m ALL about the mascara and prettyΒ eyeshadows!Β butΒ inΒ myΒ dailyΒ life,Β ifΒ I’mΒ notΒ doingΒ muchΒ –Β IΒ justΒ useΒ oneΒ colorΒ onΒ myΒ lidsΒ andΒ optΒ forΒ aΒ nude/pinkΒ gloss.

here are my makeup details …

it’s not often that Nash and I get to go out on dates, but when we do I REALLY like to get dolled up. I love feminine things, and I want to look pretty. so a flirty dress (or while it’s winter … black jeans, a cute blouse and heeled booties) is my outfit of choice!Β
who grew up playing with makeup? or doing dress ups in their moms’ jewelry?? I wasn’t much of a girly girl when I was younger, and didn’t really do those things – but now that I’m older, I have so much fun with accessories and makeup. and while I don’t get ready every. single. day. it’s fun to do for myself every once in a while.

here are a few decor items that I was able to find online, most things I own I’ve been collecting over the years. my home is finally coming together … so below you’ll find my set of frames, my bed and my necklace holderΒ linked

I have been OBSESSED with this palette and it’s less than $20 for ALL these colors! it’s seriously beautiful and I’ve been so impressed with it! if you like warmer neutrals like me – this palette is for you!
thank you so much for reading and watching! I hope you enjoyed the video! I tried out my new camera and it has a self adjusting focus AND a screen so I can see myself lol it’s silly – but I got really excited about those features! it’ll be a trial and error thing, but I’ll get it down soon! and I have to say I’m pretty proud too – I took all these pictures in this post on my self timer / tripod situation! boo-yah! lol trust me, there were A LOT of pictures that didn’t turn out, or that weren’t in focus but the ones that DID .. woo! I’m impressed. and it goes to show that if you work hard, and are patient when you teach yourself skills and try new things .. you CAN achieve what you want!
have an amazing weekend!
xo, Jensyn

if you like easy getting ready tips, you may love this post where I share 3 ‘no heat’ hairstyles!