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.a red bag.

something about wearing all neutrals and then adding this punchy red was pure magic.. or maybe it has something to do with this awesome purple contrasting wall?! either way – I’m obsessed!

I think it’s fun to switch things up and last week, my husband and I went out to find some unique options for wall backdrops. I’ll be honest, lately I have been bored with my backgrounds because I don’t live near any cool walls – so it was about time to MAKE time to hunt them down and snap some pics 😉 I don’t know if it’s that typical January gloom, but I haven’t been at my best lately and I’m ready to shake this awful feeling.

this pretty eyelet top I got last year from a boutique, so I linked a handful of equally as cute options 😉 because one can NEVER have too many white, lace, flowy tops – seriously though, I wore this throughout my pregnancy and it’s a great option for after as well 

some of you know (if you follow my instagram @jensynjeppsen) that I got my teeth whitened professionally and I’m LOVING it. I can totally see a difference and I’m so happy about it 🙂

asos hat, old // charming charlie bag // abercrombie jeans // top, boutique find // halogen mules

recreate the look using the links below

thanks so much for stopping by! 
what do you think?? would you wear this outfit for Valentine’s Day? 

who else loves a pop of red???? 

xo, Jensyn 

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