I thought it’d be fun to share some thoughts on this pregnancy because I’ll be in my 3rd trimester soon and I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy is going. (it’ll probably drag by the end of July – but usually not) summers go by way too quick for me. I always look forward to my husband’s birthday in June, the 4th of July, and my birthday July 20th so those 2 months seem to go in a flash every year.
baby’s due date is August 9th and my doctor moved it back about a week because baby is measuring a little small – however! all my babies he’s moved their date back and they ended up coming ‘early’ by about 2 weeks. so I’m sticking to my August 9th due date and praying baby comes in August sometime!

I haven’t been craving anything necessarily specific – I just don’t want to eat goldfish crackers or peanut butter – which I think my prior pregnancies ruined those foods for me anyway. oh! I also can’t eat Honey Bunches of Oats (which is my FAV) so that’s been a bummer. I couldn’t eat that during my other pregnancies either so you can bet that I had a huge bowl once I got home from the hospital! it was all I craved!

it’s funny with this baby since we’re not finding out the gender how many people have asked ‘what I think it is’ – and honestly in my heart I feel it’s a girl. BUT everyone else thinks boy and like, how could it not be a boy? I just keep thinking HOW could I get 4 girls?! so I’m trying to convince myself it’s a boy but there’s a tiny bit that of me that still believes it’s a girl.
we’ll just be surprised I guess! I’m actually happy that we haven’t found out and that we’re waiting. it’s kind of fun and keeps the birth that much more exciting (in my opinion!) I’m ‘hoping’ to birth unmedicated like I did with my third baby and I’m praying that the ‘not knowing’ the gender will keep me motivated to push through and do the best I can

name ideas have us stumped .. for girls we have liked so far – Daisy, Josie, Judy, Chloe, Lottie (my great grandma’s name) but none have felt super right yet. for boys we love Halen, Van (my grandpa’s name) and Reid – so we’ll see what our baby is and looks like and figure it out at birth

we are excited (and nervous) to have a newborn in our home again. I know my girls are really excited about having a baby to love and that’ll make things fun but I get nervous about the hormones, the breastfeeding, the sleep, the everything unknown. I think 6 months -18 months are some of my favorite ages and I love when babies can start communicating – the newborn stage is tricky for me. I get stressed so easily so I’m actually glad they grow up so fast for the first few months lol
how did your pregnancies go? did you ever wait to find out the gender? let me know in the comments or feel free to send me a dm on Instagram – I love chatting with you!
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