wildflower // quotes + pretty things

I have this gorgeous wildflower sweatshirt and thought it’d be super fun to do a little photo shoot with these purple flowers! I haven’t been very quick at sharing my pictures here, these were taken back in February – oops!
spring is here now (yay!) and with the times we’re in .. I think we could all use some inspiration! I decided to share these photos now with a few of my favorite ‘wildflower’ quotes – scroll to the bottom for the CUTEST surprise guest!

‘the flower doesn’t dream of the bee.
‘it blossoms and the bee comes.
-mark repo

‘let us live like flowers
‘wild and beautiful and drenched in sun
– ellen everett

‘on your own is where your wildflowers grow,
‘there’s no one else here to block their sun,
‘but no one else can water them but you
– butterflies rising

my sweetest Navi girl was watching me and decided that she wanted to join in on the fun of this photoshoot. she wanted flower petals on her face and added some pretty gems to her hands. she’s quite the model I think and while she doesn’t always want pictures taken (mostly because she doesn’t want her hair brushed) lol she’s certainly a cutie.
I love her love of learning and creativity. she got that from her mama

it’s been really crazy to see how fast Navi has grown up. it’s heart breaking because I want her to stay little forever. but it’s also exciting to see who she’s becoming. her interests, her fears, her zealous towards life. she’s always coming up with ideas of things we can do, she’s super helpful with her little sisters and is a mini me in a lot of ways. she’s my bud and I’m so happy we have these fun pictures to cherish.
we celebrated my littlest babes’ birthday yesterday and with Mother’s Day coming up soon .. it’s got me all emotional, I’m just feeling the love these days. even among the chaos.
thanks for reading friends!!
xo, Jensyn
if you like my hair in today’s post .. check out how I curl my hair