7 tips for productivity + happiness
just reading the title here makes me grimace a little bit because honestly I haven’t been the best example of feeling productive, confident or even TRULY happy lately. I’m sad and embarrassed that I’ve been so off my rocker, especially towards my kids. I have been so drained of energy the last week but I know I need something to turn my bad attitude around so here’s a post giving tips for productivity and happiness.
I must be on a similar wavelength because here is a post I wrote almost one whole year ago on a correlating topic!

this one is hard for me some days .. GET UP EARLY. I like sleeping lol and since my kids seem to go to bed past 10:30 every night and I’m up with a baby for feedings too .. I am one tired lady!
but I know the days that I wake up before 7 and instead of looking at my phone, and actually start getting ready, or I work on my blog I feel more productive with my day and I’m happy that I was able to do something for myself before my kids need me and my focus shifts to them.

I think little PEP TALKS / QUOTES work wonders, and I love looking up quotes and having them in a place where I can always see them. POSITIVE, HAPPY, CONFIDENT thinking can help get you in a great mindset. I know when I’m in a grumpy mood, it’s like a bad tumbleweed and it rolls into the next bad thing, and the next. positive thoughts can work the same way, I’m naturally a pessimist (some may find this shocking!) but I always have low expectations because then I feel that I’m not usually disappointed. but I’m learning that it’s not the most fun to live in fear or let my anxiety rule me.
I find a lot of great quotes on pinterest, and so I save them and read them often!
when comparison sneaks in, I try to think of the knowing better, doing better quote .. I will do the very best I know how in any situation and when I know better, I will do better!

I’m a spiritual person, so PRAYING and STUDYING MY SCRIPTURES is a huge one for me. I know calling out to God and my relationship with Him is a huge help in knowing my purpose (giving me confidence in loving who I am) and He gives me hope (which adds to my happiness) I can find the beauty in life and the blessings in the day to day through Him.

DRINK WATER + EAT HEALTHY .. when I’m taking care of my body, I have a better attitude towards myself and to others. this past week (I shared on IG stories) that I ate an ENTIRE bag of chocolate covered cinnamon bears in one week. ugh. totally left me not feeling my best.
I always think of Elle Woods when she talks about endorphins and how happy people don’t kill their husbands! lol but really MOVING my body and taking care of my body are great tips for confidence and happiness. because being productive takes energy!

DO THE IMPORTANT .. sometimes I look around my house in the day and I think ‘my to do list is a million miles long’ and I get so overwhelmed. I’ve had to learn to do the things that I NEED to get done and the other things can wait. so blinds aren’t dusted, dishes are in the sink (for a little while longer) but my family is fed, we have had snuggles and my blogpost got finished (because we all know it won’t get done when the girls are awake). I have to prioritize my day in accordance to what I know I can do with including the girls and what I need to do on my own.
picking up their floor a zillion times a day works sometimes, and other days I like to clean once. it really depends on my mood and what ends up being most productive and not annoying.

this leads into something else that I know has helped me manage my days a little better is I set aside time for things specifically .. TIME BLOCKING .. when I’m getting ready for the day, I focus on that. when I’m cleaning, I clean. when I’m playing with my girls, I’m ALL there. when I’m working/ doing social media, I’m commenting/posting/editing/emailing/etc.
I’m trying to get the most done in the least amount of time. I know when I’m focused I can accomplish my tasks a lot faster and more efficiently. and my daughters love the play time we have together. since I work at home and a lot of my work I can accomplish on my phone, I try setting it aside when I’m with them so they can see ME, and not just see my phone in my hand/face.

DO WHAT YOU LOVE .. playing dress up, taking pictures, wearing makeup, painting, making crafts, being in the sun, window shopping, being with my family, having a treat .. these are all examples of things I have fun doing. I feel happy when I’m doing things that bring happiness. I also feel more confident when I am being true to myself.
wearing pink is something that makes me feel my best, so I do it. if you don’t like pink, then pink is not going to make you feel confident and it’ll show. when you feel good, you look good! the goodness in you will radiate!

like I mentioned above, I’m NOT perfect at being productive, confident or happy all the time, but I know the days I do the behaviors listed above, I’m a lot happier, and I can see the good that I’m doing each day.
most days I feel unaccomplished, worn down and that my daily tasks don’t matter .. so here’s a reminder to all of you – you DO matter and what you’re doing IS good.
of all the tips for confidence + happiness – read this one .. if you want to be in a positive, happy mindset – when you’re NOT feeling that great, DO NOT go on social media. it will take you down an ugly spiral of comparison and jealousy. social media is a place where people showcase THEIR BEST (in most cases) and if you are not in a good head space, those evil thoughts of low self worth creep in.
I always try to do something that brings joy or helps me feel productive when I’m in a bad mood, rather than sit and wallow in it. I try to remember that we’re all human with struggles, nobody is perfect or has the ‘dream’ life, we show what we want others to see.
I hope these tips for productivity + happiness will help you! I know that by following these things they certainly help me find confidence in myself and my abilities. I’m able to accomplish things that I want to/ need to in my days and I can feel fulfilled. I can find happiness in the daily tasks of motherhood and life and still feel like ‘Jensyn’ gets things she wants done too (at least sometimes) lol.
shop my eyeshadow palette and more here …
xo, Jensyn
Love this! And love you!!! You are doing wonderful things and I am grateful for all you do for me and your beautiful family!