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.it’s my birthday and I’ll twirl if I want to.

hey friends, if you follow along on my instagram then you’ll know I went to LA for a blogging conference over the weekend. friday the 20th was my birthday, and so it was a little odd to have to travel and be without my family for the majority of the day. I went with my friends Karlee – I’m so glad I went! we definitely had some fun! 

I’ll be sharing more about our fun in LA in a post very soon! 

now on to this outfit ๐Ÿ™‚ I have been waiting for a few months to take pictures in this skirt, which is so sad to me, I’ve worn it a few times for church and LOVE it! it’s honestly one of the most perfectly pretty things I own and the floral print is so unique but we just hadn’t been taking pictures. I just kept getting busy, and then lighting wasn’t right, or locations were hard to find, etc. but here it is. in all its glory. this beauty of a skirt. 

of course accessorizing with flowers and pop of pink were totally necessary ๐Ÿ˜‰ and I’m SO happy with how everything came out in this shoot. I love all the green and how summery this feels. summer is my FAVORITE and I’m dying inside over how quickly it’s passing by. we’ve only gone swimming a handful of times, haven’t gone boating, no vacations (besides my mini trip to LA) and it’s just been a very different summer this year. I’m determined to do more with my kids, and MAKE stuff for us to do, come up with a plan for the week, and coordinate playdates, organize ourselves to go do and see new things in the area and just have some fun! 

we are going to ENJOY the next two months of summer! 

do you ever have those outfits that just make you feel so dang happy? really pretty? THIS outfit is that for me. I love all the pink, feminine and flirty details. I feel so confident in this outfit. I also feel just as good in an oversized tee and jeans (or sweatpants) ๐Ÿ˜‰ and flats. I’m not too picky about my style. somedays I’m extremely girly, others I’m more boho or tomboy vibes! I love that fashion is all about expressing ourselves and how we feel in that moment ๐Ÿ™‚ 

I wanted to share a bunch of pretty options of skirts / dresses that make me happy. I just adore this color combination and so I’ve shared some below ๐Ÿ™‚ which are your favorites??? 

 Albion Fit tee // Rachel Parcell skirt // Via Spiga heels, via Nordstrom Rack 

it’s always bitter sweet celebrating a birthday, to look back on everything that has happened in a years’ time. to reflect on who I am and who I’m becoming. I’m VERY excited for year 26!

 thanks for all the love and support! 

xo, Jensyn 

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