
.electric pink and swollen feet.

Bohme blouse, old – similar options linked below // Lularoe skirt // Kate Spade heels // Candles and Confetti stone bangle // Grace Adele bracelet, old 

this look I wore this past Sunday to church and I woke up that morning wanting to feel a bit more glamorous than I had been feeling πŸ˜‰ so… I decided I would wear my heels. these were already a bit pinchy before I got pregnant and something I’ve learned is that being on my feet all of the time has made my feet and ankles swell (along with whatever water I’ve been retaining) so they were -really- pinching me. (ouch!!) but I made it through church, even though the last hour I wanted to scream they hurt so bad. I’ve learned my lesson and you may not see me in heels too much more for the next few months πŸ˜‰ 

there’s quite a few β€œshowing off the bump” photos in today’s post and I’m A OKAY with that! I’m so in love with my bump (even though on the daily I’m struggling to find a shirt that fits) I just can’t get enough and I know this time of being pregnant will be ending in the near future so I’m just going to live it up. πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ 

I hope you’re enjoying your week! 

thank you for following along! 

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